Yes! Me and a few newgrounders for a few weeks now were working on a cool ENA JRPG, mainly prototyping on Godot Engine and working on art/music. With the announcement of the Dream BBQ thing being a game however, we decided to just jump into announcing 'ENA - Decimation Journey' now.
Involved are RoligtJackson (Art, SFX), FalcoTz (Music, SFX) and Ugasisvelta (VA, Art), including me doing all the horrifying programming/modeling/rendering work. I'll be utilizing the Raylib game library as well, no engine! The game will available for Windows and Linux as those are the platforms I have computers I can compile for.
We won't speak much of the story right now... But the short plot is ENA and Moony entering a giant ice cream tower to punch some mean people and obviously get ice cream. (mint chip)
The game is played as a 3D maze akin to titles such as the old Shin Megami Tensei ones, it'll be just like watching the webshow except the people you find won't always be nice. (keep an eye or two out though...)
You can already get the itchio page here, we'll post updates n' stuff there as well as on our twitters. Soon we'll release plenty more about the fangame, for now we gotta like, do work on it and drink water, that's the kind of stuff y'know.
(NOTE: 'ENA - Decimation Journey' is just a fangame by 4 people who like ENA. We did not make ENA, this game will be free and we hope you'll enjoy it when it comes out after its done.)
This is awesome! I can't wait for when it releases!